Monday, April 28, 2014

Watching West

Allen West frequently speaks and posts Facebook comments against affirmative action, supporting the military, against spending on social welfare, in favor of military spending, against Islam and in favor of Christianity in government. His extreme views put him at odds with the majority of black voters and politicians in this country, and he often refers to policies aimed at re-balancing power as "racist". It is easy to wonder whether he recognizes racism at work in our society today at all.
Last week, West took exception to comments about "Negros" made by a rancher whose armed accomplices prevented law enforcement from removing his cattle from public lands after he had neglected to pay grazing fees for over two decades. West's original post  was:
Just boarded the plane heading home after speaking at the superb Values Aligned Leadership Seminar. I heard the comments made by Cliven Bundy. Sir, your words were offensive to me and the proud legacy of my family. There is no dignity in purposeful dependence on the government for sustenance, but there is also no INdignity comparable to slavery.
Over 700 comments have been made thus far, and they're about what you'd predict from the Tea Partiers West has gathered together:

You all know the media was trying to trap him and Allen West you of all people should know this!!! Don't be going racist on US.

Here we go again. No one should have to hold back on what they have to say. Blacks can anything they want and it is ok but let a white man say something and blacks are on your butt. This just makes me say more.

Allen, Mr. Bundy words were taken out of context. He didn't say what you said. As far as your families legacy goes, your own kind are the ones that sold your your ancestors into slavery hundreds of years ago. Stop with your race baiting.

And so on. None of that is new or different; much of it repeats back phrases and concept that West himself frequently uses in his own posts. For him to be on the receiving end, however, is quite new. I am curious to see how West responds.

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